This is my Personal Website. Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the group of Prof. Hendrik Ranocha at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany.

About Me
Past Professional Experience
- Visting Faculty at the Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
- Postdoctoral Reasearcher at TIFR-Center For Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, India.
- Postdoctoral Reasearcher at Department of Physics, University of NotreDame, Indiana, USA.
- PhD in Mathematics from School of Mathematics, IISER-Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela, India.
- MS in Mathematics from School of Mathematics, IISER-Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela, India.
- Bsc in Mathematics and Computing from Institute of Mathematics and Application, Odisha, India.
- Room No. - 527, Staudingerweg 9